Optimal Design with KL-Exchange

Generating Random Designs (Uniform)

using ExperimentalDesign, StatsModels, GLM, DataFrames, Distributions, Random, StatsPlots

design_distribution = DesignDistribution((size = Uniform(23, 32), weight = Uniform(0, 100)))
Formula: 0 ~ size + weight
Factor Distributions:
size: Uniform{Float64}(a=23.0, b=32.0)
weight: Uniform{Float64}(a=0.0, b=100.0)
rand(design_distribution, 3)
Dimension: (3, 2)
Factors: (size = Uniform{Float64}(a=23.0, b=32.0), weight = Uniform{Float64}(a=0.0, b=100.0))
Formula: 0 ~ size + weight
Design Matrix:
3×2 DataFrame
 Row │ size     weight
     │ Float64  Float64
   1 │ 23.443   25.6586
   2 │ 28.3205  64.9684
   3 │ 29.9433  31.5235
design = rand(design_distribution, 400)

p = @df design.matrix scatter(:size,
    size = (600, 600),
    xlabel = "size",
    ylabel = "weight",
    xlim = [23.0, 32.0],
    ylim = [0.0, 100.0],
    legend = false,
    title = "Uniformly Sampled Design")

png(p, "plot1.png")

Generating Experiments for a Linear Hypothesis

design = rand(design_distribution, 400);

f = @formula 0 ~ size + weight

optimal_design = OptimalDesign(design, f, 10)

p = @df optimal_design.matrix scatter(:size,
    size = (600, 600),
    xlabel = "size",
    ylabel = "weight",
    xlim = [23.0, 32.0],
    ylim = [0.0, 100.0],
    legend = false,
    title = "Design for y = size + weight")
png(p, "plot2.png")

Generating Experiments for Other Terms

design = rand(design_distribution, 400);
f = @formula 0 ~ size + weight + size ^ 2 + (1 / weight)

optimal_design = OptimalDesign(design, f, 20)

p = @df optimal_design.matrix scatter(:size,
    size = (600, 600),
    xlabel = "size",
    ylabel = "weight",
    xlim = [23.0, 32.0],
    ylim = [0.0, 100.0],
    legend = false,
    title = "Design for y = size + weight + (size ^ 2) + (1 / weight)")
png(p, "plot3.png")

design = rand(design_distribution, 800);
f = @formula 0 ~ size + weight + size ^ 2
optimal_design = OptimalDesign(design, f, 10)

p = @df optimal_design.matrix scatter(:size,
    size = (600, 600),
    xlabel = "size",
    ylabel = "weight",
    legend = false,
    title = "Design for y = size + weight + (size ^ 2)")

png(p, "plot4.png")

Designs with Categorical Factors

design_distribution = DesignDistribution((f1 = DiscreteUniform(0, 5),
        f2 = CategoricalFactor(["cf", "cg", "ca"])))
Formula: 0 ~ f1 + f2
Factor Distributions:
f1: DiscreteUniform(a=0, b=5)
f2: CategoricalFactor(
values: ["cf", "cg", "ca"]
distribution: DiscreteUniform(a=1, b=3)
design = rand(design_distribution, 300);
f = @formula 0 ~ f1 + f1 ^ 2 + f2

optimal_design = OptimalDesign(design, f, 10)
Dimension: (10, 2)
Factors: (f1 = DiscreteUniform(a=0, b=5), f2 = CategoricalFactor(
values: ["cf", "cg", "ca"]
distribution: DiscreteUniform(a=1, b=3)
Formula: 0 ~ f1 + :(f1 ^ 2) + f2
Selected Candidate Rows: [85, 137, 189, 254, 252, 194, 9, 55, 12, 2]
Optimality Criteria: Dict(:D => 0.029985918523306496)
Design Matrix:
10×2 DataFrame
 Row │ f1   f2
     │ Any  Any
   1 │ 2    cf
   2 │ 2    cg
   3 │ 3    cf
   4 │ 1    cg
   5 │ 0    cf
   6 │ 1    cf
   7 │ 4    cg
   8 │ 0    ca
   9 │ 5    ca
  10 │ 5    cg
p = @df optimal_design.matrix scatter(:f1,
    size = (600, 600),
    xlabel = "f1",
    ylabel = "f2",
    legend = false,
    title = "Optimal Design for y = f1 + f2")
png(p, "plot5.png")

Screening with Plackett-Burman Designs

Generating Plackett-Burman Designs

A Plackett-Burman design is an orthogonal design matrix for factors $f_1,\dots,f_N$. Factors are encoded by high and low values, which can be mapped to the interval $[-1, 1]$. For designs in this package, the design matrix is a DataFrame from the DataFrame package. For example, let's create a Plackett-Burman design for 6 factors:

design = PlackettBurman(6)
8×7 DataFrame

Note that it is not possible to construct exact Plackett-Burman designs for all numbers of factors. In the example above, we needed a seventh extra "dummy" column to construct the design for six factors.

Using the PlackettBurman constructor enables quick construction of minimal screening designs for scenarios where we ignore interactions. We can access the underlying formula, which is a Term object from the StatsModels package:

0 ~ -1 + factor1 + factor2 + factor3 + factor4 + factor5 + factor6 + dummy1

Notice we ignore interactions and include the dummy factor in the model. Strong main effects attributed to dummy factors may indicate important interactions.

We can obtain a tuple with the names of dummy factors:


We can also get the main factors tuple:

(:factor1, :factor2, :factor3, :factor4, :factor5, :factor6)

You can check other constructors on the docs.

Computing Main Effects

Suppose that the response variable on the experiments specified in our screening design is computed by:


y = 1.2 + (2.3f1) + (-3.4f2) + (7.12f3) + (-0.03f4) + (1.1f5) + (-0.5f6) + \varepsilon $

The coefficients we want to estimate are:


The corresponding Julia function is:

function y(x)
    return (1.2) +
           (2.3 * x[1]) +
           (-3.4 * x[2]) +
           (7.12 * x[3]) +
           (-0.03 * x[4]) +
           (1.1 * x[5]) +
           (-0.5 * x[6]) +
           (1.1 * randn())
y (generic function with 1 method)

We can compute the response column for our design using the cell below. Recall that the default is to call the response column :response. We are going to set the seeds each time we run y(x), so we analyse same results. Play with different seeds to observe variability of estimates.


design.matrix[!, :response] = y.(eachrow(design.matrix[:, collect(design.factors)]))
8×8 DataFrame

Now, we use the lm function from the GLM package to fit a linear model using the design's matrix and formula:

lm(term(:response) ~ design.formula.rhs, design.matrix)
StatsModels.TableRegressionModel{LinearModel{GLM.LmResp{Vector{Float64}}, GLM.DensePredChol{Float64, LinearAlgebra.CholeskyPivoted{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}}}, Matrix{Float64}}

response ~ 0 + factor1 + factor2 + factor3 + factor4 + factor5 + factor6 + dummy1

              Coef.  Std. Error      t  Pr(>|t|)  Lower 95%  Upper 95%
factor1   2.66359      0.940183   2.83    0.2160   -9.28257   14.6097
factor2  -2.80249      0.940183  -2.98    0.2061  -14.7486     9.14367
factor3   7.71644      0.940183   8.21    0.0772   -4.22971   19.6626
factor4  -0.0497774    0.940183  -0.05    0.9663  -11.9959    11.8964
factor5   0.612681     0.940183   0.65    0.6323  -11.3335    12.5588
factor6  -0.112675     0.940183  -0.12    0.9241  -12.0588    11.8335
dummy1   -0.437176     0.940183  -0.46    0.7229  -12.3833    11.509

The table below shows the coefficients estimated by the linear model fit using the Plackett-Burman Design. The purpose of a screening design is not to estimate the actual coefficients, but instead to compute factor main effects. Note that standard errors are the same for every factor estimate. This happens because the design is orthogonal.

Plackett-Burman Main Effects$-$2.66359-2.802497.71644-0.04977740.612681-0.112675-0.437176

We can use the coefficient magnitudes to infer that factor 3 probably has a strong main effect, and that factor 6 has not. Our dummy column had a relatively small coefficient estimate, so we could attempt to ignore interactions on subsequent experiments.

Fitting a Linear Model

We can also try to fit a linear model on our design data in order to estimate coefficients. We would need to drop the dummy column and add the intercept term:

lm(term(:response) ~ sum(term.(design.factors)), design.matrix)
StatsModels.TableRegressionModel{LinearModel{GLM.LmResp{Vector{Float64}}, GLM.DensePredChol{Float64, LinearAlgebra.CholeskyPivoted{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}}}, Matrix{Float64}}

response ~ 1 + factor1 + factor2 + factor3 + factor4 + factor5 + factor6

                  Coef.  Std. Error      t  Pr(>|t|)  Lower 95%  Upper 95%
(Intercept)   0.940183     0.437176   2.15    0.2771   -4.61466    6.49503
factor1       2.66359      0.437176   6.09    0.1036   -2.89126    8.21843
factor2      -2.80249      0.437176  -6.41    0.0985   -8.35733    2.75236
factor3       7.71644      0.437176  17.65    0.0360    2.1616    13.2713
factor4      -0.0497774    0.437176  -0.11    0.9278   -5.60462    5.50507
factor5       0.612681     0.437176   1.40    0.3946   -4.94217    6.16753
factor6      -0.112675     0.437176  -0.26    0.8394   -5.66752    5.44217

Our table so far looks like this:

Plackett-Burman Main Effects$-$2.66359-2.802497.71644-0.04977740.612681-0.112675-0.437176
Plackett-Burman Estimate0.9401832.66359-2.802497.71644-0.04977740.612681-0.112675$-$

Notice that, since the standard errors are the same for all factors, factors with stronger main effects are better estimated. Notice that, despite the "good" coefficient estimates, the confidence intervals are really large.

This is a biased comparison where the screening design "works" for coefficient estimation as well, but we would rather use fractional factorial or optimal designs to estimate the coefficients of factors with strong effects. Screening should be used to compute main effects and identifying which factors to test next.

Generating Random Designs

We can also compare the coefficients produced by the same linear model fit, but using a random design. For more information, check the docs.


design_distribution = DesignDistribution(DiscreteNonParametric([-1, 1], [0.5, 0.5]), 6)
random_design = rand(design_distribution, 8)

random_design.matrix[!, :response] = y.(eachrow(random_design.matrix[:, :]))
8×7 DataFrame
lm(term(:response) ~ random_design.formula.rhs, random_design.matrix)
StatsModels.TableRegressionModel{LinearModel{GLM.LmResp{Vector{Float64}}, GLM.DensePredChol{Float64, LinearAlgebra.CholeskyPivoted{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}}}, Matrix{Float64}}

response ~ 1 + factor1 + factor2 + factor3 + factor4 + factor5 + factor6

                 Coef.  Std. Error      t  Pr(>|t|)  Lower 95%  Upper 95%
(Intercept)   3.60184     2.33068    1.55    0.3656  -26.0123    33.2159
factor1       1.9406      1.16534    1.67    0.3443  -12.8665    16.7476
factor2      -0.926522    2.72165   -0.34    0.7911  -35.5083    33.6553
factor3       7.53296     0.92962    8.10    0.0782   -4.27898   19.3449
factor4       0.91412     0.702726   1.30    0.4172   -8.01487    9.84311
factor5       0.55278     0.92962    0.59    0.6585  -11.2592    12.3647
factor6       0.581079    1.68508    0.34    0.7886  -20.8299    21.992

Now, our table looks like this:

Plackett-Burman Main Effects$-$2.66359-2.802497.71644-0.04977740.612681-0.112675-0.437176
Plackett-Burman Estimate0.9401832.66359-2.802497.71644-0.04977740.612681-0.112675$-$
Single Random Design Estimate0.7615311.67467-3.050277.724840.1412041.71071-0.558869$-$

The estimates produced using random designs will have larger confidence intervals, and therefore increased variability. The Plackett-Burman design is fixed, but can be randomised. The variability of main effects estimates using screening designs will depend on measurement or model error.

Generating Full Factorial Designs

In this toy example, it is possible to generate all the possible combinations of six binary factors and compute the response. Although it costs 64 experiments, the linear model fit for the full factorial design should produce the best coefficient estimates.

The simplest full factorial design constructor receives an array of possible factor levels. For more, check the docs.


factorial_design = FullFactorial(fill([-1, 1], 6))
factorial_design.matrix[!, :response] = y.(eachrow(factorial_design.matrix[:, :]))

lm(term(:response) ~ factorial_design.formula.rhs, factorial_design.matrix)
StatsModels.TableRegressionModel{LinearModel{GLM.LmResp{Vector{Float64}}, GLM.DensePredChol{Float64, LinearAlgebra.CholeskyPivoted{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}}}, Matrix{Float64}}

response ~ 1 + factor1 + factor2 + factor3 + factor4 + factor5 + factor6

                 Coef.  Std. Error       t  Pr(>|t|)  Lower 95%   Upper 95%
(Intercept)   1.13095     0.123021    9.19    <1e-12   0.88461    1.3773
factor1       2.23668     0.123021   18.18    <1e-24   1.99034    2.48303
factor2      -3.4775      0.123021  -28.27    <1e-34  -3.72384   -3.23115
factor3       6.95531     0.123021   56.54    <1e-51   6.70897    7.20166
factor4      -0.160546    0.123021   -1.31    0.1971  -0.406891   0.0857987
factor5       0.975471    0.123021    7.93    <1e-10   0.729127   1.22182
factor6      -0.357748    0.123021   -2.91    0.0052  -0.604093  -0.111403

The confidence intervals for this fit are much smaller. Since we have all information on all factors and this is a balanced design, the standard error is the same for all estimates. Here's the complete table:

Plackett-Burman Main Effects$-$2.66359-2.802497.71644-0.04977740.612681-0.112675-0.437176
Plackett-Burman Estimate0.9401832.66359-2.802497.71644-0.04977740.612681-0.112675$-$
Single Random Design Estimate0.6003922.2371-2.568578.057430.1406220.907918-0.600354$-$
Full Factorial Estimate1.130952.23668-3.47756.95531-0.1605460.975471-0.357748$-$

Full factorial designs may be too expensive in actual applications. Fractional factorial designs or optimal designs can be used to decrease costs while still providing good estimates. Screening designs are extremely cheap, and can help determine which factors can potentially be dropped on more expensive and precise designs.